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  • Colorado PUC Trims Xcel’s Unprecedented Renewables Plan

    Colorado PUC Trims Xcel’s Unprecedented Renewables Plan0

    • December 21, 2023

    Ratepayer interests received a small win from Colorado regulators overseeing Xcel Energy’s latest resource plan. The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) pared back Xcel’s $15 billion request to build wind, solar, batteries, and new transmission lines by around $3 billion last week. The PUC’s trimming of Xcel’s request came as it approved an alternative resource

  • Reliance on Solar Projects Threatening Colorado’s Outlook on Grid Reliability

    Reliance on Solar Projects Threatening Colorado’s Outlook on Grid Reliability0

    • October 5, 2022

    As Colorado moves to retire legacy fossil-fuel power plants in order to meet Governor Polis’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2040, the state is increasingly reliant on wind and solar to meet our electricity needs. And now, thanks to supply chain snarls hitting the solar industry, our ability to keep the lights on next

  • Early Concerns and Approval – 2019 Energy Bills

    Early Concerns and Approval – 2019 Energy Bills0

    • January 30, 2019

    After getting steamrolled in state legislative elections, center right voters across the state need to prepare themselves for progressive left legislation that more than likely will drive up energy prices for the sin of being productive and prosperous. Apparently, the best way to ecological paradise is by enriching monopoly utilities like Xcel Energy. While it

  • The Colorado Energy Plan: A proposal that benefits all but the consumer

    The Colorado Energy Plan: A proposal that benefits all but the consumer0

    • August 30, 2018

    Xcel Energy’s recently approved Colorado Energy Plan (CEP) is what the company refers to as its “Steel for Fuel” strategy. With a green light from Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC), the CEP is a giant capital investment program to shutter Comanche I and II generating units a decade ahead of schedule. The CEP will replace

  • Coloradans are taking on the state’s largest monopoly utility

    Coloradans are taking on the state’s largest monopoly utility0

    • March 7, 2018

    With COPUC approval, Xcel, the state’s largest monopoly utility, plans to shift its generating portfolio from away from majority hydrocarbons (coal and natural gas) in favor of industrial wind, solar, and battery storage.

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 02-17-17

    Caldara’s Newsletter 02-17-170

    • February 17, 2017

    We have the best investors in the world! Of course, our operation runs on money. But we’re the Independence Institute, so we also run on political incorrectness, inappropriate jokes, and workday drinking. Get this: Different supporters came in today, at different times, to give me three different bottles of scotch whiskey! I’m sure that happens