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  • Public Employee Benefits Are Out of Sync with Economic Reality0

    • August 20, 2010

    By Barry Fagin “Hypocrite! You’re always writing about how government needs to be smaller. But you work for a government institution! Why don’t you write about that?” I get e-mails like this from time to time, I assume from someone who hasn’t read a lot of my columns and instead just typed my name into

  • How to Save a Billion Dollars in Other Post-Employment Benefit Costs0

    • August 18, 2010

    This study focuses on the retiree health plan administered by the Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA). The PERA Health Care Program is a cost sharing multiple-employer plan. The “employers” in this context are the various governments that hire most public employees, such as public school teachers, fire fighters, police officers and state employees. Under this program, PERA subsidizes a portion of the premium for health care coverage, and the retiree pays any remaining amount of that premium. The Colorado legislature created the Health Care Trust Fund in 1999 to provide state subsidies to the Health Care Program.