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  • Podesta emails: Fracking ban is ‘an extreme position’

    Podesta emails: Fracking ban is ‘an extreme position’0

    • October 19, 2016

    This might be news to the “keep it in the ground” folks, but you aren’t on the Clinton campaign radar, according to recently released Podesta emails. Just prior to Super Tuesday, Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders released an ad in Colorado last saying he is “the only candidate to oppose fracking,” which prompted this response

  • Assisted suicide and moral decay

    Assisted suicide and moral decay0

    • October 19, 2016

    by Jon Caldara A few weeks ago an 11-year-old boy in Belgium, with the assistance of doctors, committed suicide. The terminally ill in that country can seek help in ending their lives, even children, assuming parental consent. There is something grotesque and sinister about a government blessing this kind of perversion. It’s fair to ask

  • Xcel Energy, PUC, and OCC are Irresponsible by Ratepayers

    Xcel Energy, PUC, and OCC are Irresponsible by Ratepayers0

    • September 7, 2016

    By Amy Oliver Cooke and Michael Sandoval Is it time to eliminate the Office of Consumer Counsel (OCC) and elect our Commissioners who serve on the Public Utilities Commission (PUC)? Maybe. Our recent insider perspective on the so-called approval process by supposedly neutral regulators leaves us pondering that very question. The most recent Xcel Energy