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Obama Administration Health Care Rule Making Is a Disordered Mess

The Independence Institute‘s Linda Gorman writes:

In a series of papers for the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, Christopher Conover and Jerry Ellig provide evidence to suggest that “the involvement of both White House and high-ranking agency staff” suggests that “the administration likely got the [ObamaCare] rules it wanted written.” To do this, it overrode the normal checks and balances used to ensure that federal regulations impose the smallest possible burden on the private sector. Rather than posting required regulatory impact analyses (RIAs) with interim rules and allowing time for analysis and comment, the White House and its agency heads dictated the rules that would be written, curbed the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review function, and then simply declared that the interim rules were final.

Read the whole post: Obama Administration Health Care Rule Making Is a Disordered Mess | John Goodman’s Health Policy Blog | NCPA.org.